Our Co-Management Philosophy

Thank you for considering Dell Laser Consultants for your patients’ medical and surgical needs. We realize that excellent eye care is a high priority to you and your patients. We are here to provide personalized care for your patients, and deliver outstanding results using the latest technologies and innovations available in the world of eye care today. Our goal is to provide your patients the best care possible and exceed their expectations.

We believe, and Medicare guidelines state, that patient choice should dictate the decision to co-manage, and that this choice should be carefully documented. Patient convenience and confidence in you as the patient’s primary eye care physician should be a major consideration in decisions regarding patient co-management.

With this philosophy in mind, we have created an online Co-Management Guide to assist in the co-management process. As you know, Dell Laser Consultants has been a strong supporter of Optometry for many years.

If you have questions regarding this program, please contact our Business Development Team or call our optometric physician line at 512-347-0255.

Our Mission

Our Co-Management Philosophy

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